This is Why You Are Losing So Much Hair in Spring Season
Seasonal Hair Loss Explained
Ever wondered why you lose so much hair as spring seasons falls upon us? Well, it's no myth, and it usually happens to over 75% of men and women. Seasonal Hair Loss is a temporary shedding phase that most commonly occurs in the sunny season of spring.But why do so many of us shed so much hair during this season, and what exactly can be done about it? Here, we explain more about Seasonal Hair Loss, and how it can be treated and stopped...
What is Seasonal Hair Loss?
You may have noticed that many animals shed excessively during certain times of the year. For example, dogs typically lose their winter coats in the spring, when it is replaced by a shorter, lighter one for summer. In the fall, this cycle is reversed, as the summer coat is shed to make room for heavy protective fur for winter.Humans are actually quite similar in this respect. We go through shedding phases during certain parts of the year, most commonly in spring. It's a temporary form of hair loss, but it can be a real hindrance for many of us who already have thin (or thinning) hair.
When do we shed the most?
Studies have suggested that the two most common seasons for hair fall are spring and autumn. Winter is regarded as the best season for hair growth, which might explain why you always seem to have thicker strands during the colder months of the year.Ad.
How long does Seasonal Shedding last for?
The shedding phase usually lasts between six to twelve weeks. After the initial shedding phase in early spring, the hair goes into a resting phase, rather than growing. That is why the actual shedding phase may seem longer than it actually is. When there's a shift in the seasons, it seems to nudge the hair into different phases of shedding and growth.Is Seasonal Shedding normal?
Hair shedding is very normal, and it often stops on its own. It's normal to shed around 100 hairs a day, so you shouldn't panic at the sight of hairs on your pillow and in your bath plughole. When the body sheds significantly more hairs every day, a person has excessive hair shedding. The medical term for this condition is telogen effluvium.Over 75% of humans experience seasonal shedding, and the majority of that figure don't even know they are experiencing it. Some people experience it more than others, but we all go through it to some extent, particularly those of us who live in places where we have the four season climate shifts.
Should you be concerned about Seasonal Shedding?
Seasonal hair loss is a perfectly normal process, and a temporary one at that. So, you should not have anything to worry about. However, if you have particularly thin hair, or are already prone to suffering from another hair loss type, such as pattern baldness, then seasonal shedding can be a real nightmare for you.How to Reduce Hair Loss
Treating any type of hair loss isn't easy, but it is achievable. You'll need to find a hair care plan that works for you, and then stick to it. To protect your locks and stand any chance of keeping them intact, here are five key things you should try:- Shampoo less - Shampoo doesn't cause shedding, but over-shampooing can make the strands weaker, which can in turn lead to breakage and fall. Cut your shampooing down to around three times a week. Let you hair breathe and grow.
- Apply SPF - In order to protect your hair from the damaging rays from the sun, be sure to apply some sun protector moisturiser to your locks. This will help block out the harmful rays, and allow your hair to thrive, also keeping it well moisturised.
- Drink plenty of water - Drink lots of water! We cannot stress enough how important water is for our hair. It's absolutely crucial, especially when our hair needs it the most. We often don't realise how dehydrated we are in spring season, because it's not quite as warm as the summer time. That leaves many of us unconsciously lacking water, which is bad for our hair.
- Ease up on the styling products - Like shampoo, styling products won't cause hair loss, but overusing them can lead to damage and breakage. This really isn't ideal for a season when shedding is at its peak, therefore it would be wise to ease of the styling products, and minimise your usage - at least until the summer is over.
- Take vitamins - Our hair needs certain vitamins and minerals to thrive, but we can't get all these nutrients into our diets through food alone, so that's why multi-vitamin hair supplements are so important. These types of supplements contain a host of ingredients that help strengthen hair strands, and prevent shedding, while improving the growth of thick, strong hair.
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