Hair Loss in November? Here's Why...

why am I losing hair in November

Here's why you are losing so much hair in November...

Hair loss can occur for a variety of reasons, and the month of November itself is not typically associated with increased hair loss. However, some people may experience seasonal changes in hair growth and loss, but these changes are usually more related to the changing seasons and environmental factors rather than the specific month of November.

Some factors that can contribute to hair loss or changes in hair growth during the fall and winter months, including November, may include:

Seasonal shedding

Many mammals, including humans, can experience increased shedding of hair during the fall and winter. This is often referred to as "seasonal shedding" and is thought to be a natural response to changes in daylight and temperature. It's important to note that this shedding is usually temporary and does not lead to significant hair loss.

Reduced sunlight exposure

As the days get shorter in the fall and winter, people may spend less time outdoors, resulting in reduced exposure to sunlight. Sunlight is a source of vitamin D, and vitamin D deficiency has been associated with hair loss. It's important to ensure you're getting an adequate amount of vitamin D through your diet or supplements if necessary.

Seasonal stress

The holiday season in November and December can be a stressful time for many people. Stress is known to contribute to hair loss or exacerbate existing hair loss conditions. Managing stress through relaxation techniques, exercise, and a balanced lifestyle can help mitigate its impact on your hair.

Diet and nutrition

Changes in diet and nutrition can also play a role in hair health. A balanced diet that includes essential nutrients like biotin, zinc, and protein is important for maintaining healthy hair. The holiday season can sometimes lead to dietary imbalances, so it's important to pay attention to your nutrition during this time.

Central heating and dry indoor air

As the weather gets colder, indoor heating systems are often used, which can lead to dry indoor air. This dry environment can affect the moisture balance of your hair and scalp, potentially making hair more prone to breakage and damage. Using a humidifier can help maintain a more favourable environment for your hair.

If you are concerned about hair loss or experiencing more significant hair loss during any season, including November, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or dermatologist. 

They can help determine the underlying cause and recommend appropriate treatments or interventions based on your individual circumstances.

best hair loss treatment for men

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