The Most Common New Year's Resolutions

most common new year's resolutions

What are the most common new year's resolutions, and why don't most of us actually stick to them? 

As we come to the end of yet another year, it's that time when most of us start making our annual new year's resolutions. However, the funny thing about new year's resolutions is that most of us do not bother sticking to them.

So, in particular order, we'll go through some of the most common new year's resolutions that we make, establish why most people do not stick to them, and then give some tips on how to best to stick to them...  

"I need to lose weight!" 

new year's resolutions

Whether it's for health reasons, or just to look good, so many of us are set on losing weight as our new year resolution. Losing weight seems to be on everyone's mind, come the turn of the year, and after such a heavy festive period of indulging, it's easy to see why.

Unfortunately, for most of us, this new year's resolution rarely makes it past January. By the time February comes, we're off our diets, and back into our normal everyday lives, just as they were before the festive season. 

Sticking to a diet and an exercise plan can be difficult, especially if you do not have a history of being active. Losing weight should never be a short term goal. It's a lifestyle change. If you alter your eating habits, and do regular exercise, you'll not only lose the weight, but you'll probably keep it off, too.


"No more booze" 

most common new year's resolutions

Excessive drinking over the festive period can leave many of us feeling a bit fed up of the stuff. Having a few alcoholic beverages from time to time can be a lot of fun, but excessive drinking can lead to a number of health problems.

Quitting alcohol at the turn of the new year always seems like the easiest thing to do, but once the weeks pass, a special occasion then pops up, and you find yourself craving a drink or two. 

In the same way as people struggle to lose weight or quit smoking, ridding yourself of alcohol is not something that can be done unless you really want to quit. Again, implement real lifestyle changes - get healthier, take up a sport, do more exercise, and then you will have a long term motive to not drink. 

"I'm going to start saving money"

most common new year's resolutions

Most of us are pretty skint come the new year, and we keep telling ourselves that we'll spend the next year putting some money aside for various things. The problem is, the bills don't pay themselves, and with living costs rising, it's harder than ever to save any sort of money. 

Rather than just setting the task of saving money, it would be wise to structure your life. Set out goals, targets, and draw up your monthly spending plan. By being more organised, you will be more likely to save money and plan out the next months/years of your life more effectively. 

" It's time to see the world"

most common new year's resolutions

How many times have you told yourself that you want to travel and see more of the world? This is a common new year's resolution that people make, because with a new year feels like a new start, a new opportunity. 

If you're serious about wanting to travel and see more of the world, then be sure to plan it all before the new year kicks in. Establish the places you want to visit, organise a savings plan, and how you'd like to do your travelling - are you set on a full trip around the world in one go, or is it more realistic (and appealing) for you to travel in shorter spells throughout the year? 

Once you establish these things, and get a plan in place, the wheels will be in motion, and you'll more than likely get off your butt and actually see the places that you always dreamt of seeing. 

"I want a new job"

most common new year's resolutions

Over half of the British population are unhappy in their jobs, but the vast majority of that percentage end up staying put. Quitting your job is obviously not that straightforward, especially if you have bills to pay, and children to look after. 

Quitting your job instantly is spontaneous, but it can also be reckless. Instead, plan for your exit over a longer period of time. Look at other jobs and other industries that take your fancy. Work your way into that new job, slowly, and carefully. When you are ready, you'll be able to leave your current job, and start somewhere fresh. 

"I'm going to learn French"

most common new year's resolutions

Learning a new language is a common new year's resolution, but if truth be told, very few people ever stick to it. Unless there is a specific need to learn a new language (for an exam, or for work purposes etc.), it's unlikely that you'll stick to it. 

Like with anything in life, give yourself a key motive for wanting to learn a new language. Set out a plan, work out what learning techniques work best for you (from listening or visually?), and then start going about it. 

Remember, times have changed, and learning a new language doesn't have to be expensive, or scary. To get you started, you can pick up free lessons on YouTube for pretty much any language in the world. 

"I want to stop hair loss"

most common new year's resolutions

At the turn of the new year, so many men (and women) start thinking about physical self-improvement, and one of the most common concerns that grates on us is hair loss.  Around 65% men, and around 50% of women, experience thinning hair by the age of 40, but many of us give up trying to stop hair loss before we've even started, because there isn't a cure for any type of thinning hair. 

However, all is not lost, because there are hair loss prevention treatments on the market that can help reduce the rate of hair thinning, and even promote the function of healthy hair growth. Be sure to research the market, look into effective treatments such as HR23+ and PharmaH4, and start tackling the issue as early as possible. 

Remember, the earlier you start doing something about hair loss, the more chance you will have of holding onto your hair for longer. 

hair restoration products

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