10 Things We HATE About Valentine's Day

reasons why e hate Valentine's Day

Here's why Most of us can't stand Valentine's Day

By Claire Lopez

With Valentine's Day fast approaching, already we can see the roses, cards, and gifts packing up the shop shelves. Yet, despite Valentine's Day being a positive occasion, I can't help but feel it gets a lot more stick than it does "love".

I'm not a big fan of the day, myself, which lumps me in with how the majority of people feel about it. So, for a bit of fun, here are 10 common reasons why Valentine's Day is so loathed:


Many people dislike the commercial aspect of Valentine's Day, where the emphasis seems to be on buying gifts and spending money rather than expressing genuine feelings. It's a lazy trait that's been embedded into the human mindset in recent years. 

Pressure to Spend Money

There's often a societal expectation to spend a significant amount of money on gifts, flowers, and romantic gestures, which can be stressful for some individuals, especially those on a tight budget during these times when the cost of living is crippling so many of us. 

Overly Romanticised Expectations 

Valentine's Day can sometimes create unrealistic expectations for romantic gestures, leading to disappointment if reality doesn't match up. People often forget that by just being with the one you love should give you more than enough out of the most romantic day of the year. 

Exclusion of Singles

The holiday can make single individuals feel left out or lonely, as it is traditionally associated with couples and romantic relationships. I kid you know, some people can get really down about it, because Valentine's Day is just another reminder that you don't have that special someone in your life. 

Forced Romance

Some people feel that being romantic or expressing love on a designated day feels forced and prefer spontaneous, authentic gestures. If you're a cynical person, then this aspect of Valentine's Day will bug to to no end. 

Social Media Pressure

With the rise of social media, there's added pressure to showcase one's Valentine's Day celebration, leading to comparisons and feelings of inadequacy. God, how did we ever let social media dictate our lives and emotions? It's the poison of humankind. 

Limited Focus on Romantic Love

Valentine's Day tends to emphasise romantic love, potentially neglecting the importance of other meaningful relationships such as friendships and familial bonds. It's basically just a day that tells you how to be romantic to that one person, while forgetting anyone else with any ounce of importance to your life. 

Stressful Planning

Planning the perfect Valentine's Day can be stressful, particularly for those who may not enjoy or excel at event planning. I mean, seriously, unless you're getting paid for it, who the heck enjoys planning?

Environmental Impact

The production and disposal of mass-produced Valentine's Day cards, decorations, and gifts can contribute to environmental concerns. It's just another blown up occasion that has no positive impact on the planet. 

Everyday Love vs. Special Occasion

Critics argue that love should be celebrated and expressed regularly, rather than on a specific day dictated by societal norms. I agree wholeheartedly with this view. 

It's important to note that opinions about Valentine's Day vary, and many people also appreciate the opportunity to express love and affection on this day, and I'm only messing about for the sake of a fun article. 

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