Here's Why You're Losing Hair During Winter Season

seasonal hair loss in winter

Reasons why you're losing more hair during winter season 

Seasonal hair loss really is a thing, and although most of us experience it during autumn and spring seasons, it can also occur in the cold winter months. 

Hair loss during the winter season can be attributed to several factors. While cold weather itself may not directly cause hair loss, certain winter-related conditions and lifestyle changes may contribute to hair issues. 

Here are some reasons why you might experience hair loss in winter:

Dry Scalp

Cold weather often leads to low humidity levels, which can result in dry and itchy scalp. Dryness can weaken the hair shaft and contribute to breakage and hair loss.

Indoor Heating

Indoor heating systems can further reduce humidity, contributing to a dry environment that may affect both the scalp and hair. This can make the hair more prone to breakage.

Hot Showers

During the winter, people tend to take hotter showers, which can strip the hair and scalp of natural oils, leading to dryness and potential hair loss.

Poor Nutrition

Winter months may bring changes in diet and eating habits. Inadequate nutrition, especially a lack of essential vitamins and minerals, can impact hair health.


The holiday season, changes in routine, and other stressors associated with winter can contribute to increased levels of stress, which is a known factor in hair loss.

Less Sun Exposure

Reduced sunlight exposure in winter may lead to lower vitamin D levels. Vitamin D is important for hair follicle health, and deficiencies can contribute to hair loss.

Hat and Scarf Use

While protecting your head from the cold is essential, tight hats and scarves can sometimes cause friction, leading to hair breakage.

Lack of Exercise

Winter weather may discourage outdoor activities and exercise. Regular physical activity is beneficial for overall health, including hair health.

If you are concerned about hair loss, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or a dermatologist. They can help identify the specific cause of your hair loss and recommend appropriate treatments or lifestyle adjustments. 

Additionally, maintaining a healthy and balanced diet, supplementation, staying hydrated, and using moisturising products for your hair and scalp can contribute to overall hair health.

hair loss treatment for men and women

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