Top 5 Pubs That Serve The Best Tasting Guinness

best pubs for Guinness

Where to find the best tasting Guinness...

Determining which pub serves the "best" Guinness can be subjective, as it often depends on personal preferences and experiences. However, there are some famous pubs that are well-known for serving a good pint of Guinness, based on their reputation and historical significance.

Unsurprisingly, all five pubs are located in Ireland, so, in no particular order, here are five of the best places to get a delicious pint of Guinness Irish stout. 

John Kavanagh (The Gravediggers) Dublin, Ireland

Also known as "The Gravediggers," this pub has a long history and is famous for its traditional atmosphere. It's located near Glasnevin Cemetery and is a favorite among locals.

The Temple Bar - Dublin, Ireland

The Temple Bar is one of the most famous pubs in Dublin, located in the Temple Bar district. While it's often crowded with tourists, it's still renowned for its lively atmosphere and, of course, its Guinness.

best tasting Guinness

The Brazen Head - Dublin, Ireland

Claiming to be Ireland's oldest pub, The Brazen Head offers a historic setting and a cosy atmosphere. It's a popular spot for both locals and visitors looking for a traditional Irish pub experience.

best pubs for Guinness

The Crown Liquor Saloon - Belfast, Northern Ireland

This Victorian-style pub is known for its stunning interior with intricate mosaics and woodwork. It's a National Trust property and is recognized for serving a quality pint of Guinness.

The Crown Liquor Saloon

The Guinness Storehouse Gravity Bar - Dublin, Ireland

While not a traditional pub, the Gravity Bar at the Guinness Storehouse offers a unique experience. It provides panoramic views of Dublin, and you can enjoy a complimentary pint of Guinness as part of the admission ticket.

best place to get a good Guinness

Remember that the quality of a pint of Guinness can also vary depending on factors such as the bartender's skills and the freshness of the keg. 

Additionally, there are countless excellent pubs across Ireland and beyond that serve high-quality Guinness, so exploring local recommendations and finding hidden gems can be a rewarding experience.

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