15 Reasons Why Halloween is the Best Time of the Year

reasons why Halloween is the best

Common traditions that make Halloween so great

Halloween is a holiday filled with various traditions and customs, many of which have evolved over time. Some of the most common Halloween traditions include:

Costume Parties

People of all ages often dress up in costumes for Halloween parties. Costume parties are a fun and popular way to celebrate the holiday.


Children go door-to-door in their neighbourhoods, often saying "trick or treat" and receiving candy or other treats from homeowners. This tradition is one of the most iconic aspects of Halloween.


Many people decorate their homes with Halloween-themed décor, such as jack-o'-lanterns (carved pumpkins), cobwebs, skeletons, and other spooky items.

Pumpkin Carving

Carving pumpkins into jack-o'-lanterns is a classic Halloween tradition. Families often gather to create their own designs and display them outside their homes.

Haunted Houses

Many communities and organizations set up haunted houses or spooky mazes for people to explore during the Halloween season.

Apple Bobbing

This traditional game involves trying to catch apples floating in a large tub of water using only your teeth.

Scary Movies and Stories

Watching horror movies or sharing spooky stories is a common Halloween pastime.

Witchcraft and Wiccan Celebrations

For some, Halloween is a time to celebrate Wiccan or witchcraft traditions, often involving rituals and ceremonies.


Some communities host bonfires on Halloween, providing a gathering place for friends and family.


Halloween Parades

Some towns and cities organize Halloween parades with participants in costumes and decorated floats.

Day of the Dead (Dia de los Muertos)

In some cultures, especially in Mexico, the Day of the Dead is celebrated around the same time as Halloween. It's a time to honor and remember deceased loved ones with altars, sugar skulls, and marigold decorations.

Seasonal Foods

People often enjoy foods associated with the season, such as apple cider, pumpkin pie, and candy corn.

Halloween Games

Various games and activities are often organized at Halloween parties, including scavenger hunts, costume contests, and more.

Charity and Giving Back

Some individuals and organisations use Halloween as an opportunity to collect donations or food for those in need.

Costume Parades and Contests

In addition to costume parties, some communities host costume parades and contests, where people can show off their creative outfits.

Halloween traditions can vary by region and individual preferences, so not everyone participates in all of these customs. However, these traditions contribute to the festive and spooky atmosphere of Halloween.

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