When Do People Really Start To Age?

at what age to we look older

At what age do we start to look visibly older?

Ageing is a part of life - some people age gracefully, and others not so much. Lifestyle, diet, genetics and beauty routines obviously all play a significant role in how we age, but, all-in-all, age catches up to all of us, at some stage.

The question that often gets asked is: At what age do we start to look visible older? Well, in answer to that question, it really does vary from person to person, but, for the sake of this post, we'll generalise a bit, and give you a relatively accurate timescale.

Firstly, it should be said that men and women tend to start showing signs of ageing at different points in their lives. Race also plays a key role in the ageing process. Certain races tend to age differently to others. 

At what age do women start looking older?

For Caucasian women, ageing typically starts around the late 30s/early 40s. This is when fine lines on the forehead and around the eyes start to form. Also the skin becomes less-elastic, and brown spots and broken capillaries from accumulated sun damage crop up. Black women are more likely to start ageing in their mid to late 40s. 

At what age do men start looking older?

For Caucasian men, the ageing process is slightly slower than it is for women. Men are naturally more masculine, and have more rugged features than women, therefore their physical ageing does not look as prominent. Most white men start looking older when they reach their mid to late 40s, but for men of colour, it can be as late as their 50s. 

Why do women age faster than men? 

Each person has different genetics, and therefore ages differently, but the general pattern shows that women do tend to start looking older at a sooner age than men do. So, why is that, exactly? 

Women tend to be more feminine looking, with softer skin complexions, and lighter features. This is why women tend to physically peak in their 20s, whereas the more masculine, rugged features of men, peak, and age, in a different way. 

When women age, there seems to be a much more noticeable difference - fine lines and wrinkles make them look older, and although men also get fine lines and wrinkles, they tend to be much less noticeable. 

What are the key factors that make someone look older? 

Genetics is the main factor as to how we all age. Some people look naturally younger than others, and therefore seem to age slowly. However, that's not to say that all people who looked young in their 20s will age well. Literally, anyone can age suddenly at any point in their lives.

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Here are some of the main reasons we start to look older... 

Ageing Skin

As far as looking older goes, fine lines and wrinkles is the main culprit, particularly for women. Although subtle, even the finest of wrinkles can age a face dramatically. Wrinkles tend to be more noticeable in white people, which makes them look older. 

Weight Loss

Weight loss, particularly with women, can really age a person. Many people who are thin in their 30s and 40s tend to look older in the face, because fine lines and wrinkles are more visible. You'll notice that fuller people tend to look much younger than their thinner counterparts. 


It's not only genetics that ages a person. It is very possible to add years onto your age simply by the way you dress and style yourself.  We all tend to dress down as we get older, but for some people, they really can do themselves more harm than good with the clothes they wear.


You'd be surprised how many years you can add onto your age with poor posture. Yes, we all get slower and weaker as we age, but it's amazing how many people lose their good posture as soon as they start edging towards their 40s.  Carrying yourself upright, will keep you looking younger, fresher, and fitter. 

Hair Loss 

Around two thirds of men experience some stage of hair loss by the age of 40, and around half of women suffer from thinning hair at the same age. Hair loss plays a key role in making us look much older than we are.  Male pattern baldness can really age a man, even if he has a babyface, and for women, it can be even worse. 

Unfortunately, there isn't a cure for hair loss, but there are some treatments on the market that can help reduce thinning, and promote the function of healthy hair growth. 

How to stop the ageing process? 

Age waits for no man or woman, and so there isn't really a set way in which ageing can be reversed. There are treatments and surgical procedures that can minimise the effects of ageing, but not to any great scale. 

The best course of action would be to get as fit and as healthy as you can possibly be. If you are fit and lean, then you will look good at any age. Age catches us all eventually, so it really shouldn't be about how young you can look, but rather how good you can look. 

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